mmk+ is an award-winning architecture and urban design firm based in Seoul, founded by Pilsoo Maing, Donghwan Moon and Jihoon Kim. As a collective of inter-disciplinary experts, the office believes that today's complex phenomena and problems in our physical environments must be strategized and designed through active dialogue between diverse disciplines not by a single expert. Continuously expanding the parameters, mmk+ aims to create a place that is contextual, timeless, functional and socially-responsible through extensive studies and researches on architecture and urbanism. Currently, The three partners who co-founded mmk+ are leading independent corporations in Korea and the United States, participating in various projects.
Pilsoo Maing, AIA
(주)mmk+의 공동설립자이며, 서울대학교 건축학과 조교수이다. 미국 뉴욕주 건축사이며 서울시 공공건축가로 활동하고 있다. 서울대학교 건축학과와 동 대학원 석사과정을 졸업하였으며, 하버드대학교 디자인대학원에서 건축 및 도시설계 석사 학위를 받았다. 서울의 공간건축과 뉴욕 퍼킨스 이스트만, 홍익대학교에서 다양한 스케일의 건축과 도시설계 프로젝트 설계 및 교육에 참여하였다.
Pilsoo Maing is an assistant professor at Seoul National University Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, and a co-founder of mmk+. Maing was originally from Busan, Korea, and he obtained Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Master of Architecture from Seoul National University. After several years of practice as an architect in Space Group in Korea, he continued his studies on architecture and urbanism in Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD), where he obtained Master of Architecture in Urban Design. Previously he worked for Perkins Eastman Architecture in New York and Hongik University as an assistant professor.
Jihoon Kim, KIRA, AIA
(주)mmk+건축사사무소의 대표이며 대한민국 건축사, 미국 뉴욕주 건축사 이다. 건국대학교 건축공학과와 하버드 디자인대학원에서 건축설계를 공부했고, 이후 뉴욕 에스오엠과 헤르조그 엔 드 뫼롱, 바이어 블린더 벨에서 다양한 종류의 설계 작업에 참여했다. 현재 건국대학교 건축전문대학원에 출강하고 있다.
Jihoon Kim is a registered architect in Korea, New York, and a co-founder of mmk+. Kim was originally from Seoul, Korea where he also obtained his Bachelor of Science in Architecture in Konkuk University, Seoul. Since he moved to the US, he has continued his studies and received his Master in Architecture degree at Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD). Before co-founding mmk+, he had involved in diverse types of projects in internationally renowned offices including Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, Skidmore Owings and Merrill (SOM), and Beyer Blinder Belle Architects in New York. He is currently teaching design studios as an adjunct professor at Graduate School of Architecture, Konkuk University.
Donghwan Moon, AIA, NCARB
미국 시라큐즈대학에서 건축학과와 하버드대학 디자인대학원에서 건축 및 도시설계를 전공하였다. 뉴욕 Kohn Pedersen Fox와 Foster and Partner에서 실무경험을 쌓았고 현재 미국건축사이자 mmk+ architecture LLC (USA) 의 대표로 건축과 도시를 아우르는 설계 작업을 하고 있으며 미국 노스케롤라이나 주립대 건축과 조교수로 활동하고 있다.
Donghwan Moon is a registered architect (NY), urban designer, and co-founder of mmk+. Before mmk+, Moon had worked on numerous residential, commercial, and masterplan projects with renowned design offices, including Foster and Partners and Kohn Pedersen Fox in New York. He also has been actively involved in public interest design, working as a director of architecture at Mtree non-profit design group. He is currently an assistant professor of architecture at North Carolina State University, College of Design. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Syracuse University and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD).
Simon Jeong, KIA, Team Leader
Sehwa Hong, Associate
Solnury Sung, Associate
Jaesung Huh, Designer
Seungji Hong, Designer
Past Collaborators
Harin Lim, SongE Han, Jihye Lee, Sujung Jang, Heeryung Lim, Yesol Kim, Hojun Lee, Younjoo Lim, Hwisang Park, Eunbin Kim, Kyueun Jung, Jawong Kim, Sina Lee, Jongkuk Lee, Sohyun Kim, Sangha Leem